Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Your first purchase
Includes free delivery of your first purchase, details of your nearest high street stockist, and where we have a Seagreens® Retail Partner, a Gift Voucher to spend there.
Does not apply outside the UK or to gift voucher purchases.
Dit første køb
Inkluderer gratis levering af dit første køb, oplysninger om din nærmeste high street-forhandler, og hvor vi har en Seagreens® Retail Partner, en gavekupon, du kan bruge der.
Gælder ikke uden for Storbritannien eller ved køb af gavekort.

Hele ideen er at få et gram af de mest næringsrige alger ind i vores daglige kost.
De udfylder ernæringsmæssige mangler med stigende sundhedsmæssige fordele. Vores produkter fungerer alene, men endnu bedre sammen. Mix og match. De er nemme at bruge. Jeg har spist Food Capsules hver dag i 25 år. Jeg bruger Culinary Ingredient i mange af de ting, jeg spiser. Nogle gange mere, andre gange mindre. I stedet for salt bruger jeg The Mineral Salt. Jeg kom Pelvetia på en pestopasta. Brug kun Iodine+ Capsules, hvis du ved, at du mangler jod, og du kun ønsker at få tilstrækkeligt med jod. Til børn: Iodine Lite. Food Capsules giver dig det samme jod, som du har brug for, men dobbelt så meget af alle de andre næringsstoffer. Hvis du ikke vil have kapsler, kan du bruge Food Granules. Kom dem i næsten al mad, du spiser, eller i en frugtjuice eller smoothie. Og hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at ringe til os.
– Simon Ranger, grundlægger af Seagreens®-projektet
- Produkter
Fødevarekapsler 60
- $30.57 inc. Tax
- Tilføj til kurv
- Produkter
Fødevarekapsler 180
- $80.35 inc. Tax
- Tilføj til kurv
- Produkter
Jod+ kapsler 60
- $33.12 inc. Tax
- Tilføj til kurv
- Produkter
Jod Lite+ 90
- $50.99 inc. Tax
- Tilføj til kurv

Vores løfte til dig
Vi vil aldrig misbruge din tillid til os. Din kundekonto gør det muligt for os at give dig information om ernæring, dine nærmeste forhandlere af sundheds- og naturfødevarer og information om nye produkter. Det er det hele.