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Nutrition Products

The whole idea is to get a gram of the most nutritious seaweeds into our daily diet.
They fill nutrition deficiencies with increasing health benefits. Our products work alone but even better together. Mix and match. They’re easy to use. I’ve had Food Capsules every day for 25 years. I put the Culinary Ingredient into many things I eat. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Instead of salt, I use The Mineral Salt. I put Pelvetia on a pesto pasta. Only use the Iodine+ Capsules if you know you’re lacking iodine, and iodine sufficiency is all you want to achieve. For children, Iodine Lite. The Food Capsules give you the same iodine you need, but twice as much of all the other nutrients. If you don’t want capsules, use the Food Granules. Put them into almost any food you eat, or in a fruit juice or smoothie. And if you’ve any questions, please give us a call.
– Simon Ranger, founder, the Seagreens® project
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Food Capsules 60
- £23.95 inc. Tax
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Food Capsules 180
- £62.95 inc. Tax
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Iodine+ Capsules 60
- £25.95 inc. Tax
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Iodine Lite+ 90
- £39.95 inc. Tax
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